List of the Highest Radiation Level Smartphone with 2018

List of the Highest Radiation Level Smartphone with 2018

List of the Highest Radiation Level Smartphone with 2018

List of the Highest Radiation Level Smartphone with 2018--with increasingly sophisticated technology of smartphones in addition to us be facilitated with facilities created or provided on a smartphone, but there are some things which of course became the negative effects of all sophistication. One of them is the radiation that arises from the smartphone itself.

You all certainly know it's been a lot of smartphones sold worldwide-free even in our country Indonesia. With a wide range of products and brands of smartphones sold in the market either Xiomi, OnePluse, Huawei, Nokia, Samsung, Sony, iPhone ZTE, BlackBerry and many other products.

Therefore, the Federation of Germany or Radiation Protection"Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz " has released a list of related smartphone have the highest radiation levels. Of all the cell phones or Smartphones that are sold commercially in Germany from the year 2002. For the research itself is conducted by means of inspection of the SAR value when carried out operation of the mobile phone in the ear or for example while doing a phone connection as well as a free trial when done by mobile operations when placed near the body It was written on official website.

Although like that until recently mainly in Indonesia there is no limitation for sure how safe limits of radiation if the exposed of the human body and the boundaries of how much radiation is dangerous. But in Germany there's a limit called Der Blaue Engle. This specification can be only be passed a cell phone or smartphone that has radiation limit of 0.6 Watts

The following list of the Highest Radiation Level Smartphone with 2018:
Phone brand and count the level of radiating in watts per kilogram
  1. Xiomi Mi A1 dual SIM Card = 1,75
  2. OnePlus 5T dual SIM Card = 1,68
  3. Huawei Mate 9 = 1,64
  4. Nokia Lumia 630 = 1,51
  5. Huawei P9 Plus = 1,48
  6. Huawei GX8 = 1,44
  7. Huawei P9 = 1,43
  8. Huawei Nova Plus = 1,41
  9. OnePlus5 dual SIM Card = 1,39
  10. Huawei P9 Lite = 1,38
  11. Iphone 7 = 1,38
  12. Sony Experia XZ1 = 1,36
  13. Iphone 8 = 1,32
  14. ZTE AXON 7 mini = 1,29
  15. BlackBerry DTEK60 = 1,28
  16. Iphone 7 Plus = 1,24

Why do some countries restrictions against radiation smartphone or mobile phone sold in the market? And what are the effects of cell phone radiation caused? Let us refer to figure it out along the radiation effects reviews will I share here.

The effects of cell phone radiation to health and To the body :
  • Impact on male fertility
  • Sleep disorders
  • Body fatigue
  • Recurrent headache
  • Brain damage
  • Potentially affected by Alzheimer's
  • Damage the fetus
  • Make children hyperactive too
  • Ear disorders
  • Severe depression
  • Heart Attack
  • Skin cancer
  • Raise blood pressure
  • Mobile phones can explode and injure someone
  • DNA Damage

From some effects I mentioned above is a fraction of the radiation effects caused by cell phones, so it must be flying in the use of cell phones or Smartphones, so that in addition to the negative impact will not befall You, at least your health is maintained properly. Arrange the use of mobile phones with good, and use the phone only when needed only.

Generally the effects of cell phone radiation is indeed very instrumental in enabling the level of one's health, it so far has not found a consistent data against illness caused from cell phone radiation. But it would be nice of us to prevent the bad stuff before it overwrites all of us.

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